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Cases of transplacental transmission of the virus (from mother to fetus) and sexual infection (a large amount of the virus is contained in seminal fluid) have also been reported. For reference. An interesting relationship between viral hepatitis G and HIV infection should be noted. In an analysis of the mortality of patients from HIV, it was found that among patients with HIV without hepatitis G, the mortality rate is higher. In this regard, a theory was put forward that the virus of this type of hepatitis is able to block the access of HIV pathogens to cells.

  • The course of VG G, as a rule, is acute. Chronization of the inflammatory process in the liver is extremely rare.
  • Diagnosis of this type of disease is performed using reverse transcription amplification techniques (RT-PCR).
  • In this regard, the treatment is carried out according to the protocol for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis B or C. The highest sensitivity of the pathogen is noted for interferon and ribavirin preparations.
  • This type of hepatitis includes a group of acute pathologies of infectious origin, accompanied by the appearance of clinical symptoms of liver tissue damage, in the absence of specific markers of viral hepatitis of the most common types.
  • The causative agents of this type of infection are TTV viral particles (viruses transmitted during blood transfusions) and SEN. Both types belong to VH with parenteral routes of infection. The main cause of the disease are blood transfusions.
  • In rare cases, the causative agents of this type of disease can be spread by the fecal-oral route.
  • The prevalence of this type of hepatitis varies. In European countries it does not exceed sixteen percent, in African countries - from forty to eighty percent, in Scotland - about forty-five percent.
  • In most cases, the TTV virus is registered in patients with a clinical picture of proventil (fulminant) hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver of unknown origin. No other specific differences in the course of this type of SH have been identified so far.
  • Diagnosis of TTV and SEN is carried out by PCR. There are currently no specific test systems for the determination of class M and G immunoglobulins for this type of acute hepatitis viruses.